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Welcome to York Mansion House

Past the grandeur of the prominent green doors and beautiful facade lies a home built for entertaining royalty, with a rich civic and personal history. As the oldest purpose built home for a Lord Mayor in the country, the stories of scandal and frivolity woven into the fabric of the building are still being told, and we’d love for you to discover them.

Showcase the best York has to offer in one of the city’s finest event spaces. The whole house is yours to enjoy, from intimate wedding ceremonies and decadent receptions, to milestone celebrations and networking events, anything is possible at the Mansion House. Find out how we can bring your event to life.

Since 1732, York Mansion House has been the official residence of the Lord Mayor of York, a tradition that continues to this day. One of the oldest civic roles in the country, some of the city’s most infamous figures have held the position, and their influence can still be felt today. Find out more about this fascinating role.

From a spooky Haunted House to a delightful Christmas wonderland, discover our programme of events coming up for this year.

Without the dedication of our volunteers, the Mansion House couldn’t survive. Find out more about the variety of ways you can get involved with our work and community.

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